Zumbido Pulse: Empowering Youth Communities to Transform Global Health Research


Zumbido Pulse: Empowering Youth Communities to Transform Global Health Research

In this issue, we deep dive into how young people became ethnographers of their own community through an academic partnership, bringing valuable insights into the factors affecting the mental health of adolescents living with HIV. You can also listen to excerpts from interviews within the PDF.

Published on Jul 26, 2024


Zumbido Pulse: Empowering Youth Communities to Transform Global Health Research

In this issue, we deep dive into how young people became ethnographers of their own community through an academic partnership, bringing valuable insights into the factors affecting the mental health of adolescents living with HIV. You can also listen to excerpts from interviews within the PDF.

Published on Jul 26, 2024

Zumbido Pulse: Empowering Youth Communities to Transform Global Health Research

Zumbido enhances the mental health and wellbeing of vulnerable, socially isolated groups, especially those with chronic or stigmatised health conditions, by leveraging digital technology for peer-to-peer support. In South Africa, our Khuluma chapter empowers young people living with HIV through digital support groups. 

In this issue, we deep dive into how young people who took part in Khuluma became ethnographers of their own community through an academic partnership, bringing valuable insights into the factors affecting the mental health of adolescents living with HIV.

This community-led research approach, guided by the principle of “Research Conducted By And For The Community,” positions young users at the heart of health service design while offering mentors educational and career growth opportunities.

Read the full report and listen to the Mentors talk about their experiences.

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